
  1. Kim EJ, Moretti ME, Kimathi AM, Chan SY, Wootton R. Use of provider-to-provider telemedicine in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health 2022; 10: 1028999 [available via PubMed]
  2. Wootton R, Otero H, Moretti M. Referral activity in three store-and-forward networks during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 2021; 6644648 [available here]
  3. von Oettingen JE, Craven M, Duperval R, Sine St. Surin F, Eveillard R, Saint Fleur R, Van Vliet G, Chanoine J-P, Louis R. Experience with store-and-forward consultations in providing access to pediatric endocrine consultations in low- and middle-income countries. Frontiers in Public Health 2019; 7: 272 [available via PubMed]
  4. Wootton R, O'Kane B. Time required to create a referral in various store-and-forward telemedicine networks. Frontiers in Public Health 2019; 7: 260 [available via PubMed]
  5. Wootton R, Bonnardot L. Experience of supporting telemedicine networks with the Collegium System: first 6 years. Frontiers in Public Health 2019; 7: 226 [available via PubMed]
  6. Huang GKL, Pawape G, Taune M, Hiasihri S, Ustero P, O'Brien DP, du Cros P, Graham S, Wootton R, Majumdar SS. Telemedicine in resource-limited settings to optimize care for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Frontiers in Public Health 2019; 7: 222 [available via PubMed]
  7. Kim EJ, Fox S, Moretti ME, Turner M, Girard TD, Chan SY. Motivations and barriers associated with physician volunteerism for an international telemedicine organization. Frontiers in Public Health 2019; 7: 224 [available via PubMed]
  8. Delaigue S, Bonnardot L, Steichen O, Martinez Garcia D, Venugopal R, Saint-Sauveur J-F, Wootton R. Seven years of telemedicine in Médecins Sans Frontières demonstrate that offering direct specialist expertise in the frontline brings clinical and educational value. Journal of Global Health 2018; 8: 020414 [available here]
  9. Saadi A, Mateen FJ. International Issues: Teleneurology in humanitarian crises: Lessons from the Médecins Sans Frontières experience. Neurology 2017; 89: e16-e19 [available via PubMed]
  10. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L. Embedding telemedicine quality assurance within a large organisation. European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine 2016; 5: 55-63
  11. Dehaye A, Silva CT, Darge K, Prabhu SP, Andronikou S, Laya BF, Coley BD, Boechat MI. Saving the starfish: World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI) development, work to date, and membership feedback on international outreach. Pediatric Radiology 2016; 18 Mar [Epub ahead of print]
  12. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L, Venugopal R, Oakley A. Experience with quality assurance in two store-and-forward telemedicine networks. Frontiers in Public Health 2015; 3: 261 [available via PubMed]
  13. Bonnardot L, Wootton E, Liu J, Steichen O, Bradol JH, Hervé C, Wootton R. User feedback on the MSF Tele-Expertise Service after a 4-year pilot trial -- a comprehensive analysis. Frontiers in Public Health 2015; 3: 257 [available via PubMed]
  14. Delaigue S, Bonnardot L, Olson D, Morand JJ. Overview of teledermatology in low-resource settings. Médecine et Santé Tropicales 2015; 8 Oct [Epub ahead of print] [available here]
  15. Jefee-Bahloul H, Barkil-Oteo A, Shukair N, Alraas W, Mahasneh W. Using a store-and-forward system to provide global telemental health supervision and training: a case from Syria. Academic Psychiatry 2015; 7 Oct [Epub ahead of print]
  16. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L. Relationship between the quality of service provided through store-and-forward telemedicine consultations and the difficulty of the cases -- implications for long-term quality assurance. Frontiers in Public Health 2015; 3: 217 [available via PubMed]
  17. Jefee-Bahloul H, Duchen D, Barkil-Oteo A. Attitudes towards implementation of store-and-forward telemental health in humanitarian settings: survey of Syrian healthcare providers. Telemedicine Journal and E-health 2015; 23 Jul [Epub ahead of print]
  18. McGoey S, Oakley A, Rademaker M. Waikato Teledermatology: a pilot project for improving access in New Zealand. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2015; 1 Jun [Epub ahead of print]
  19. Wootton R, Bonnardot L. Editorial: telemedicine in low-resource settings. Frontiers in Public Health 2015; 3: 3 [available via PubMed]
  20. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L. Quality assurance of teleconsultations in a store-and-forward telemedicine network -- obtaining patient follow-up data and user feedback. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 247 [available via PubMed]
  21. Martinez Garcia D, Bonnardot L, Olson D, Roggeveen H, Karsten J, Moons P, Schaefer M, Liu J, Wootton R. A retrospective analysis of paediatric cases handled by the MSF tele-expertise system. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 266 [available via PubMed]
  22. Delaigue S, Morand J-J, Olson D, Wootton R, Bonnardot L. Teledermatology in low resource settings: the MSF experience with a multilingual tele-expertise platform. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 233 [available via PubMed]
  23. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L. Assessing the quality of teleconsultations in a store-and-forward telemedicine network -- long-term monitoring taking into account differences between cases. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 211 [available via PubMed]
  24. Halton J, Kosack C, Spijker S, Joekes E, Andronikou S, Chetcuti K, Brant WE, Bonnardot L, Wootton R. Teleradiology usage and user satisfaction with the telemedicine system operated by Médecins Sans Frontières. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 202 [available via PubMed]
  25. Bonnardot L, Liu J, Wootton E, Amoros I, Olson D, Wong S, Wootton R. The development of a multilingual tool for facilitating the primary-specialty care interface in low resource settings: the MSF tele-expertise system. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 126 [available via PubMed]
  26. Wootton R, Liu J, Bonnardot L. Assessing the quality of teleconsultations in a store-and-forward telemedicine network. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2: 82 [available via PubMed]
  27. Andronikou S. Pediatric teleradiology in low-income settings and the areas for future research in teleradiology. Frontiers in Public Health 2014; 2:125 [available via PubMed]
  28. Wootton R, Wu W, Bonnardot L. Store-and-forward teleradiology in the developing world -- the Collegium Telemedicus system. Pediatric Radiology 2014; 44: 695-6
  29. Spijker S, Andronikou S, Kosack C, Wootton R, Bonnet M, Lemmens N. Quality assessment of X-rays interpreted via teleradiology for Médecins Sans Frontières. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2014; 20: 82-88
  30. Wootton R, Wu WI, Bonnardot L. Nucleating the development of telemedicine to support healthcare workers in resource-limited settings: a new approach. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2013; 19: 411-417 [available here]

(last updated May 2021)